App della settimana: ReadQuick disponibile gratuitamente su App Store


Ogni settimana Apple sceglie un’applicazione a pagamento da rendere gratuita per pochi giorni. Per questa settimana Apple ha deciso di rendere gratuita l’applicazione ReadQuick.

Ecco la descrizione ufficiale dell’app:

The world’s best speed reading app. ReadQuick helps you read faster than ever before. Designed for iOS 7, this app helps you speed read your way through your Pocket, Instapaper and Readability reading lists. Watch your comprehension sky rocket in just one day.
ReadQuick displays the articles of your choice one word at a time at a pace you set. It is the only app that teaches you how to speed read while getting through your daily reading.
You can access articles you want to read through our partners like Pocket or find them yourself through the built-in Web browser. You can also choose to read think pieces suggested by our great content partners such as Macworld, Talking Points Memo, Longreads, TechMeme, GigaOm and more. ReadQuick will tell you how long each article will take you to complete based on your words per minute rate.
The more you use this app, the faster your reading rate will become. With ReadQuick, you read – and comprehend – more faster.

Puoi scaricare, ora gratuitamente, ReadQuick per iOS cliccando qui.
Ricordiamo che l’applicazione resterà gratuita per poco tempo, quindi consigliamo agli interessati di approfittarne il prima possibile.
Compatibilità: Richiede l’iOS 7.0 o successive. Compatibile con iPhone, iPad e iPod touch. Questa app è ottimizzata per iPhone 5.

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